Gregory C. Mitchell

Photo of Gregory C. Mitchell

Chair and Dennis Meenan '54 Third Century Professor of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies and Faculty Affiliate in Anthropology/Sociology

Hollander Hall Rm 107


B.S. Illinois State University (2000)
M.S. Illinois State University (2001)
M.A. University of Chicago, Social Science (2007)
Ph.D. Northwestern University, Performance Studies (2012)


WGSS 138 / ANTH 138 TUT

Spectacular Sex (not offered 2024/25)

WGSS 337 / ANTH 337 SEM

Race, Sex & Gender in Brazil (not offered 2024/25)

WGSS 350 / ANTH 350 / AMST 351 SEM

Queer Tongues & Lavender Linguistics (not offered 2024/25)

WGSS 412 / ANTH 412 SEM

Graphic Sex: Queer Ethnographic Writing (not offered 2024/25)

Current Committees

  • Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Chair