Jeff Sheng
Using Photography to See Hidden Communities
Friday, April 26, 6 PM, Griffin 7
In this pizza-fueled talk, artist and sociologist Jeff Sheng presents his two main projects photographing and giving visibility to the LGBTQ community over the past 15 years: “Fearless” a photo series on “out” LGBTQ high school and college students that was created between 2003-2015, and his more recent work since 2009 photographing LGBT military service members. He will discuss how the projects began, how these communities have changed over the past 15 years, and how his current research as a sociologist has informed his artwork. He will also talk about how visual ethnography of these communities has changed the way one approaches social science research, particularly in the way new Internet technologies and social media have created new methodological opportunities for academic investigation.
Pizza will be provided
Sponsored by the Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program and the Lecture Committee